Reminder: Before
submitting your application, please make sure you satisfy the following
- The student enrolled in a four-year degree program must have a Junior or Senior status at an accredited four-year university or college. The student enrolled in a two-year program must have completed two-thirds (2/3) of required credits toward a degree at an accredited two year university or college.
- The students must be currently enrolled, through his or her college or university, in an internship or independent study class.
- The student must be at least 18 years of age prior to start date of internship.
- The student must currently have a 2.5 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Documented by transcript attached to application.
- The student must, prior to acceptance into the internship program, submit a completed application, cover letter, recommendation letter from a criminal justice course professor the student has been enrolled in a course with, background check information form, confidentiality agreement form, release and indemnity agreement form and internship agreement & release of liability form.
- The student must ensure that all requested paperwork is submitted to respective college or university Internship Program Coordinator by deadline for each session.
A copy of the application can be obtained by emailing CCJS Advising at: Please complete all sections of the application
thoroughly. Please note that although
the information requested is voluntary, failure to provide complete answers may
affect the consideration of the application.
Your application must include all of the following in order
to be considered:
- Application
- Cover letter of personality traits, goals and objectives
- Recommendation from criminal justice course professor
- Background check information form
- Confidentiality agreement form
- Release and Indemnity agreement form (for Ride –Along)
- Internship agreement & release of liability form
The application and all of the above requested materials
must be submitted together. Failure to meet any of the above mentioned
requirements may prevent the review of your application.