Learn more
about the Maryland Student Researchers program, and review over 140 available
opportunities by visiting our website at: http://www.ugresearch.umd.edu/studentresearchers.php
Maryland Student Researchers (MSR) program serves as a University-wide online
bulletin board where UMD researchers post research opportunities for undergraduate
students. It is a great way for undergraduates to learn about the rewards and
challenges of academic research. Over 140 projects are listed with more being
added daily so check back regularly over the next several weeks.
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research will hold numerous information
sessions to assist students who want to use the MSR bulletin board to identify
suitable research opportunities, and also to provide advice about additional
ways to pursue research opportunities – space for each session is limited so
please RSVP to ugresearch@umd.edu with
the date/time of the session you plan to attend:
Schedule for MSR
Information Sessions, Spring Semester 2015:
Friday, January 30, 11:30 to
Noon – 2100 D McKeldin Library
Tuesday, February 3, 11 to
11:30 a.m. – 2100 D McKeldin Library
Thursday, February 5, 9:30
to 10 a.m. – 2100 D McKeldin Library
Friday, February 6, 11 to
11:30 a.m. – 2100 D McKeldin Library
ELIGIBILITY: Any student in good academic
standing may apply directly for any listed opportunities for which they have
the listed required skills. It is open to students of all majors and disciplines
with an interest in research. Most positions are offered on a volunteer basis,
and selection of undergraduate researchers is made solely by the faculty
members who provide the listed opportunities.