Benjamin A. Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship - Accepting Applications
Are you considering studying abroad and a Pell Grant Student? If so, please consider applying for the exciting study abroad scholarship, the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. The Gilman awards up to $5000 per student to help fund study abroad opportunities. The application deadline for Spring 2017 is Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Qualified students must be U.S. Citizens, who receive the Pell Grant, and are applying for a study abroad program that is at least 4 weeks long. This is a highly competitive scholarship which requires advanced planning with both Education Abroad and National Scholarships Office. Students interested in applying should...
Schedule an advising meeting with the National Scholarships Office for guidance in creating a strong application. To schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Leslie Brice (
GILMAN INFO SESSION: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Susquehanna Hall, room 3105. The Education Abroad and the National Scholarships Office are co-hosting a Gilman information session and alumni panel.