Have you Completed your LEP Gateways?
When planning your schedule, check your student record to make sure you are registering for your gateway courses that you have not yet completed. If you have questions about completing these requirements on time, please make an appointment with CCJS Advising.
Registration Block:
A block is a hold placed on student records to prevent registration. Registration blocks may be frustrating for students who need to register for classes. Therefore, each semester, students are expected to log on to Testudo and check their registration time and blocks. It is the student’s responsibility to take appropriate actions to remove blocks in order to register on time. Please visit the Registration Restrictions and Blocks webpage for explanations of different registration blocks.
Duplicate Credit:
This is used to indicate two courses with the same course content. Note: students cannot receive duplicate credit. Be mindful of credit you have received through AP/IB or through transfer from another institution. Also, you can view the Schedule of Classes where courses are marked: "Credit only granted for", to see duplicate courses. Common duplicates in the CCJS major are: CCJS 342 and CCJS 452; CCJS 350 and CCJS 450.
Credit Overload:
Prior to the First Day of Classes and Schedule Adjustment Period, students are limited to registering for no more than 16 credits. On the First Day of Classes this limit is raised to 20 credits. Students who wish to exceed these limits must meet with a BSOS Advisor to discuss a possible exception to university policy. Please call BSOS Advising at (301) 405-4729 or visit them in 2148 Tydings Hall.
Time Conflict:
Students can obtain permission to take courses that have a time conflict in two ways: 1) Obtain approval from both of the instructors on University of Maryland letterhead, then bring both copies to the BSOS Advising Center in 2148 Tydings Hall; or 2) Obtain approval from both of the instructors and have them send an email directly to a BSOS advisor from a University of Maryland email account.
A course which must be completed in order to take a more advanced course. It is your responsibility to check the Undergraduate Catalog or Schedule of Classes to determine possible prerequisites for any given course.