Thursday, June 22, 2023

Fall 2023 TA Position Open: CCJS225, section 0201

Professor Thomas Abt has an opening for an undergraduate teaching assistant for Responses to Violence (CCJS225, section 0201) in Fall 2023.  TAing for a professor is a great opportunity to cultivate a relationship with a CCJS faculty member and gain a deeper understanding of CCJS.  Students will earn three upper level credits (CCJS386) for their work. 

Undergraduate teaching assistants must meet the following requirements:

  • A cumulative GPA of a 3.20 or higher
  • A grade of A- or higher earned in the class you are TAing for (CCJS225)
  • A minimum of 56 cumulative credits earned by Fall 2023
  • Ability to attend class the class you are TAing 
    • CCJS225 meets Wednesdays 2:00pm- 4:30pm

All interested students should contact Professor Abt and send him a one paragraph explanation as to why you want to be a TA for the class.   Please email him directly at  The subject line of your email should be “TA for CCJS225.” 

Please note, CCJS386 will not fulfill the CCJS Course of Choice major requirement. It will count as an elective.