Looking to make some cash? Participate in psychology studies for pay! Did you know that you can make some extra cash
participating in paid studies through the psychology department?? After a
one-time registration (takes 30 seconds), you will be able to sign up for and
complete studies for pay. Researchers are in need of student participants over
the summer time. You must be an undergraduate or graduate student at Maryland to
be eligible to sign up. To sign up, go here: http://umpsychology-paid.sona-systems.com
. Click on the bottom left to register and you will have access to all
ongoing paid studies! Please note, this paid SONA sign-up system is
separate from the unpaid SONA sign-up system for those students who are
currently enrolled in a psychology course and participate in studies as part of
their course requirement. You will not receive course credit or extra credit
for completing studies through the paid SONA system.