Monday, February 24, 2014

Meet Your CCJS Deans Student Advisory Council Representative

Hello! My name is Thomas Minter and I am the CCJS representative for the BSOS Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC). If you are unsure what DSAC is, we are a student run organization that has appointed representatives from each major within BSOS serving to organize student events and create proposals to interest and assist the college and our individual constituencies. 

I am a junior CCJS and GVPT double major who is also in the BA/MPP program here at the UMD School of Public Policy. My main focus on DSAC is expanding internship opportunities and awareness within our department and college – but I also want to know what you all want! 

As your representative I want to know what you like about the CCJS department, and what you think needs improvement. Please feel free to contact me at my email address,, and like the BSOS DSAC Facebook page to stay up to date on upcoming events and information. Looking forward to hearing from you!