My name is Thomas Minter and I am the CCJS representative for the BSOS Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC). If you are unsure what DSAC is, we are a
student run organization that has appointed representatives from each major
within BSOS serving to organize student events and create proposals to interest
and assist the college and our individual constituencies.
I am a junior CCJS
and GVPT double major who is also in the BA/MPP program here at the UMD School
of Public Policy. My main focus on DSAC is expanding internship opportunities
and awareness within our department and college – but I also want to know what
you all want!
As your representative I want to know what you like about the
CCJS department, and what you think needs improvement. Please feel free to
contact me at my email address, tminter93@gmail.com, and like the BSOS DSAC Facebook
page to stay up to date on upcoming events and information. Looking forward to
hearing from you!