CJJR Now Accepting Applications for the Stoneleigh Foundation Emerging Leader Fellowship -- see details below

We are delighted to share that CJJR has been selected to serve as a host organization for a Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellowship, which is a two-year, full-time, hands-on position for early career professionals. The selected Fellow will work collaboratively with CJJR and the Stoneleigh Foundation to execute the project detailed below on addressing racial and ethnic disparities in Pennsylvania. The Fellow will also be supported by a cohort of peer Emerging Leaders who participate in Stoneleigh Foundation's programming.
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Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pennsylvania’s Youth Justice System Youth of color are disproportionately represented at every stage of the youth justice system—including at arrest, detention, charging, and disposition—compared to their white peers. In Philadelphia, for example, Black youth make up 50% of youth, but comprise 77% of all detained youth and 83% of all adjudicated youth. Research also demonstrates that youth of color are often treated more harshly than white youth charged with the same offenses. | |
To address these challenges, the Fellow will work with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy to evaluate system reform efforts in Pennsylvania aimed at reducing the racial and ethnic system disparities faced by youth of color. Specifically, the Fellow will:- Design and lead an evaluation of the Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice Certificate Program (RED CP) being implemented by the state and with several Pennsylvania counties.
- Design an evaluation and tools to assess the system reform efforts of each RED CP site.
- Provide data collection support to each RED CP site.
- Engage participating sites to understand the learnings from their evaluations.
- Support statewide and national youth justice system transformation efforts by disseminating evaluation findings and best practices for replication.
- Develop a report to inform the broader youth justice field on key lessons learned from the RED CP evaluations.
- Disseminate the evaluation findings statewide and nationally.

Candidates should have completed a graduate degree between 2018 and 2021 or have an undergraduate degree with equivalent professional experience. Candidates should also have experience conducting research; familiarity with data management, visualization software, and research tools (e.g., Qualtrics, SPSS, SAS, Tableau); a solid understanding of youth justice policy and practice; and strong writing and public speaking skills. The selected candidate will be expected to reside in the Washington, DC area (where CJJR is located) and must also be willing to travel to Philadelphia, PA and the Pennsylvania RED CP sites (approximately once a month).
We strongly encourage a diverse pool of candidates to apply, including women, people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ, people with disabilities, and people who have lived experienced of housing insecurity, and/or system involvement. We invite candidates to include in their cover letters a statement about how their unique backgrounds and experiences might contribute to their perspectives on and Fellowship’s execution. 
Please submit the following materials to Michael Umpierre, CJJR Director at michael.umpierre@georgetown.edu by April 26, 2021.
Please contact Mr. Umpierre with any questions as well. - A resume or CV
- A writing sample
- Contact information for three references (name, organization, title, email address and phone number)
- A cover letter articulating why you would like to participate in the Fellowship, how it will advance your professional goals, why this project interests you, and what prior experience and training you bring that prepares you to lead this Fellowship project
Candidates chosen for an interview will be contacted directly by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. One final candidate will be recommended to and interviewed by the Stoneleigh Foundation in mid-May and a final determination regarding the candidate's advancement will occur shortly thereafter. |