Justice for Juniors is seeking college students to participate in one or may ways by:
(1) Tutoring ethics at the DC Juvenile Jail (1000 Mt. Olivet Rd., NE Washington DC) on Mondays 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Transportation is provided; a van leaves UMD on Mondays at 5:15 PM to the jail.
(2) Academic tutorials and college access at UMD on Sundays, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM for PG County middle and high school students (Parkdale High School) and two local churches
(3) College students may sign up to serve on the Forum Committee. Chaplain Johnson will assign articles for a specific topic of the forum. Students will read the articles and design talking points for the panelists. Dr. Nichols and/or Dr. Evita Bynum will serve as the Moderator. Two or three students, preferably seniors, will serve as co-moderators for the experience.
Justice for Juniors is currently recruiting interested UMD students to train for the summer. To receive more information and/or to get involved, please contact Alexander Burton at aburton102@gmail.com or Chaplain Johnson at jsiafa@gmail.com.