Wednesday, November 13, 2019

BMGT 198B: The Intentional Self (one-credit,open to all majors)

BMGT 198B: The Intentional Self is a new, one-credit course open to all majors. The purpose of the Lab is to help young people develop their whole selves by working on purpose, wellness, character, money, relationships, and community. 

Course Description

What: BMGT 198B: The Intentional Self (one-credit, open to all majors)
When: Spring 2020
Time: Wednesdays, 2PM-2:50PM
Where: VMH 1336
Instructors: Sarah Wolek & Rajshree Tronetti

As you navigate adulthood, you will constantly be making decisions that impact your personal and professional well-being and success. Making these life choices with intention and a perspective of your whole self will increase your life satisfaction. In this course, you will be introduced to the six pillars of intentional living and methods to incorporate them into your own authentic life path.

  • Purpose: Living with a sense of one’s “why” serves as a compass for your life decisions and is central to living authentically
  • Character: Your character traits will help you to actualize your purpose
  • Community: An intentional individual realizes that they are a symbiotic part of a whole community that sustains them and to which they should actively contribute
  • Relationships: Relationships are the wellspring that nourish and connect us and an intentionally lived life develops and nurtures them
  • Money: Money is the enabling resource that will support your authentic life path and an intentional individual understands its appropriate role in their own life
  • Wellness: Actively pursuing good physical and emotional health is foundational to success in any other pillar
Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, for each Intentional Life pillar you should be able to achieve the following learning objectives:
  • Define each pillar 
  • Describe your current level of expertise with each pillar and your plan to build familiarity with each pillar over your undergraduate career
  • Comprehend frameworks/tools that exist to support your personal development of the pillar and the resources (curricular and co-curricular) available on campus to support your personal development