Professor Mauiello has discussed this database in CCJS 320 and you may have seen students working on the project during the past two semesters on campus scanning shoes of student, faculty, and staff.
The project entails working in 2 three-person teams using the technology that we now have in the crime lab to obtain scans of shoes from anyone breathing on campus to continue to build the University of Maryland Footwear Reference Database of different make and model shoes. The company already has over 40,000 in their reference database, but we want to ensure we have as many possible shoe styles that exist in the present. That means an ongoing project to keep the reference database up to date.
If you think you may be interested, you must be able to work a minimum of 10 hours per week on the project for the full 3 credits.
If you are interested, fill out the CCJS 399 form (only the first sheet in the linked packet) and email it to Professor Mauriello ASAP at: If you have questions, you can call Professor Mauriello at 301-219-1492.