Monday, April 1, 2019

Fall 2019 New CCJS Course: CCJS 418G

CCJS 418G Seminar in Criminology and Criminal Justice; Developing Fluency in Criminological Research
 Tuesdays - 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Prerequisites: CCJS 100, CCJS 105, and CCJS 300

The purpose of CCJS 418G is to (1) sharpen your critical thinking, reading and writing skills, and (2) develops your aptitude for assessing and conducting criminological research.  

The course will begin by briefly reviewing the nature of social science research and writing.  It will then shift to the main focus of the course, which is on learning to critically judge research on various criminological theories, criminal justice policies, and other issues related to crime. 

Students will learn how to assess a research paper's framework, contribution, data choices, analysis, and inferences.  Students will not be actually analyzing data, but will write a research proposal using the skills acquired in class.