Monday, October 28, 2019

Words of Engagement Intergroup Dialogue Program: One-Credit Dialogue Courses

What is WEIDP?
The Words of Engagement Intergroup Dialogue Program (WEIDP) is a for-credit social justice education initiative that brings together students of diverse backgrounds for facilitated face-to-face conversations that supports students in exploring key questions about who we are, what we know about each other, and how systems of power impact our lives and relationships. WEIDP prepares students to navigate an increasingly diverse society through relationship-building across difference and taking steps, both individually and collectively, that promote equity and justice.

Credits/How to Register:
All WEIDP courses count towards the Gen Ed Cultural Competence Diversity Requirement. Courses are typically 1-credit dialogues that occur in the first and second half of the fall and spring semesters. Students can register for a dialogue course directly on testudo. Each dialogue course consists of 2-3 themed sections. Once a student has registered, they will be prompted by WEIDP to complete a WEIDP Student Profile on our enrollment portal. The student profile is used to place participants in one of the themed sections of the dialogue course they registered for on testudo

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