Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Participate in the BSOS Undergraduate-Graduate Mentoring Program!

Image result for college of behavioral and social sciences umdIs graduate school the right option for you? How do you get research experience, take full advantage of classes, ensure high-quality letters of recommendation, identify potential graduate programs and mentors? An informal meeting with a graduate mentor can provide first hand advice.

Schedule for Fall 2015:
September 8, 2015 - Deadline for graduate students to sign up
September 15, 2015 - Deadline for undergraduate students to sign up
September 22, 2015 - Mentors and Mentees will be introduced to each other via email
October 5, 2014 – Mentor training
October 6-30, 2015 - Mentorship Weeks when mentors and mentees will meet
November 5-20, 2015 - Mentors and Mentees login with feedback

We will enroll students in the BSOS Mentoring Program until the slots for the semester are full on a first-come basis. Second year (sophomore) students will be given first preference followed by Third year (junior) students.

If you are interested, please sign up here: ter.ps/mentor2015

For questions, please contact us at BSOSMentoring@umd.edu