Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Consider Registering for CCJS318C! Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals

CCJS318C Special Topics in Criminology & Criminal Justice; Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals

Section: 0101
Prerequisites: CCJS100 or CCJS105
Day/Time: M 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: Marie Mount Hall, room 2401

Description: Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals is a must-take course to prepare you for any professional career field.  It will improve your presentation skills, whether you are preparing to speak to an audience of one or one thousand.  

You will learn techniques for speaking confidently, choosing the right audio-visual technologies, and how-to strategies for satisfying the needs and expectations of any audience.  The result is becoming customer-focused with your audience and developing the confidence to present your thoughts, ideas, testimony, evidence, and scientific conclusions in a manner that is noticeably, “heard, understood, and remembered.”