Wednesday, August 21, 2024

UNIV110: Grand Challenges of Our Time

UNIV110: Grand Challenges of Our Time

Current events present unprecedented challenges, but also provide a meaningful chance to hear each other’s stories, to investigate today’s issues together, to examine our shared humanity, and to explore implications for the future.

This one-credit class will be offered during the Fall 2024 semester from September 9 to November 6 and will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. President Pines will lead the class with national and campus experts as special guests during the Monday sessions. In the Wednesday sessions, you’ll have the chance to connect with other first-year Terps in small discussion groups led by University of Maryland faculty and staff as you investigate today’s issues together.

We designed this course with you in mind, and we're excited that it can give you ways to:

  • Investigate today’s challenging issues together and to explore implications for the future
  • Really get to know other first-year Terps
  • Connect with faculty and staff members at the University of Maryland in a meaningful way
  • Be a part of the Maryland legacy!

The class is open to any first year frosh or transfer student who is not in any other special program. For more information on the course, visit the UGST website.