Monday, May 1, 2023


May 11, 2023, 12-4pm
Location: Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex, 8001 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785

The Maryland-National Capital Park Police, Prince George's County Division, is excited to announce that we are hosting our fourth Annual Regional Law Enforcement Career Fair. This event will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 1200-1600 hours, at Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex, 8001 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785

This career fair is being hosted in the month of May as a celebration of the honorable profession of law enforcement.  As you are aware, finding qualified applicants interested in law enforcement has become quite challenging. The goal of this event is to expose the public to 21st Century Policing and what career opportunities we as law enforcement agencies have to offer. I am extending this invitation to your agency knowing that together we can attract the quality individuals that are needed to carry on this legacy of dedication to service, honor, and integrity. I encourage your recruitment team to attend this (FREE) event. 

An area will be provided for public safety agencies to exhibit equipment, showcase your agency, and provide community outreach. This is an excellent opportunity for your agency to build positive community relationships between the police and the community. To register, please confirm your attendance, via email, by April 21, 2023. We will need to know what vehicles and/or equipment your agency plans to bring, what your space needs may be, and if you will need an electrical outlet.

Questions? Contact the University Career Center & President’s Promise at

Note: We are helping to promote this external event as it may be of value to the University community. However, this external event is not affiliated with the Career Center or the University of Maryland.