Monday, July 8, 2024

Probation Counselor | Arlington Juvenile Court Services Unit


Probation Counselor
Location: Arlington, VA
Job Number: 9303-25A-JDR-HQ
Salary: $79,123.20 - $122,657.60
Closing Date: July 11, 2024

The Arlington Juvenile Court Services Unit (CSU) is seeking a Probation Counselor to work in the Detention Diversion/Electronic Monitoring Program. This position will provide intensive supervision and conduct intake interviews to a caseload of juveniles who have been placed by the Court in the Detention Diversion Program/Electronic Monitoring (DDP/EM.) This position will also provide counseling and coaching to youth and parents to promote behavior change using cognitive-behavioral interventions and techniques.  
The DDP is a short-term alternative to secure detention for juvenile offenders and monitors their compliance with home-detention and mandatory school attendance. Compliance is monitored through daily contact with youth and frequent contact with parents, school officials and other professionals. There are three counselors assigned to the DDP who will coordinate the work schedule that consists of weekday afternoons and evenings.
Specific duties include:

  • Making announced and unannounced visits to homes, schools, and other community locations;
  • Installing and removing EM devices and holding clients accountable and supporting their compliance with the conditions to the court orders and rules of DDP/EM;
  • Performing drug screens to assess drug use and connecting them to substance abuse services if needed;
  • Advocating and responding to crisis situations for their clients in the school setting and in the community in general;
  • Coordinating and facilitating a specialized programs such as a Basics of Safe Driving Class;  
  • Making referrals to service providers and community-based services such as substance use, behavioral health, family counseling, therapy, etc.;
  • Maintaining daily interaction with teachers, treatment professionals, and any other professionals involved with clients;
  • Presenting cases and providing written and verbal testimony to the court and providing information and recommendations to prosecutors, defense attorneys, and guardians-ad-litem;
  • Updating client information databases such as BADGE to document all communication with clients and submitting closing summaries for clients who have been released from the DDP/EM program; and
  • Assisting teammates and supporting inter-departmental agencies such as Young Achievers, Girls’ Outreach, Argus House, Aurora House, Arlington Public Schools, and Department of Human Services, etc.
The ideal candidate will have the following:
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Court system;
  • Knowledge of causes of delinquent behavior and various community resources, particularly those dealing with substance abuse and mental health counseling;
  • Knowledge of Electronic Monitoring supervision; and
  • Knowledge and experience in the use of the Virginia DJJ Caseload Management System (BADGE).

Selection Criteria


  • Bilingual (English/Spanish);
  • Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, Psychology, Sociology, or related field; and
  • Considerable experience providing probation, social work, crisis intervention, or family counseling including at least one year which required working within a legal/court/probation environment.