Monday, March 27, 2023

CIA Information Session

CIA Information Session
Tuesday, March 28, 12-1:30 pm
Location: University Career Center (3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing)
RSVP Here (Log into Careers4Terps with your directory ID & password)

Interested in a future internship or job in the intelligence community? Don't miss this special information session, happening tomorrow with the CIA.

Students have the power to make a difference! Use your fresh perspective to contribute to National Security at CIA.

You are invited to participate in a Q&A dialogue where CIA officers share insights pertaining to work/life balance, security processes, CIA culture, and much more.
You will learn about the Agency’s mission, including specific careers within the Directorate of Operations, where you can use your interest in foreign affairs,
languages, STEM background, and cultural experience to protect national security.

Resume Reviews will also be conducted the following day in the University Career Center. Login to Careers4Terps to sign up for a timeslot.