Wednesday, November 9, 2022

New Routes of Cocaine Trafficking: from South America to the World

New Routes of Cocaine Trafficking: from South America to the World
Hybrid Event: Nov 14, 2022 - 2 PM ET

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center (LACS) invites you to a talk titled “New routes of cocaine trafficking: from South America to the World.” Presenters Dr. Carolina Sampó (LACS Postdoctoral Fellow) and Dr. Christian Vianna de Azevedo (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais-Brazil) will discuss their research and policy experience in policing drug trafficking. The discussion will be moderated by Juan Carlos Angulo Santacruz (PhD Student, AREC & LACS).

A brief description:

Since 2014, coca bush cultivation and cocaine production have grown enough to flood South America forcing drug trafficking organizations to depend much more on maritime routes to smuggle as much cocaine as possible, producing a spillover effect beyond the producing countries. Criminal organizations use certain counter-intuitive routes and Non-Traditional ports of cocaine departure to reduce risks and maximize profitability. In this context, the countries of the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) have gained importance. At the same time, the growing presence of the criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) beyond the borders of Brazil, shows the importance of these routes and the use of West and North Africa as a transshipment point. In our talk, we will discuss why and when criminal organizations choose to use these routes and how law enforcement can anticipate their choices in order to stop the flow.